USD Retail Sales MoM - 19-02-14

Date Thursday 14th February 2019
Time 13:30

USD Retail Sales is released prior to the US session.

We’re looking for a divergence of +/-0.5. If this is hit then we will be looking for a 20+ pip spike. This divergence is usually enough for all of the other components to fall in line, so no need to add any events to Conflict Manager.

What happened last time?

USD Retail Sales MoM – 19-01-16
Time 13:30
Forecast 0.2
Actual 0.2
Deviation 0
One minute spike 3 pips

How we setup

Main Event USD Retail Sales MoM
Market USD/JPY
Deviation +/-0.5
Prior 0.2
Forecast 0.1
Triggers Buy >0.5
Sell <-0.3

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